Jakarta is a city that expensive and all-round money, no matter which can be enjoyed for free. Strengthened the impression that Mercer survey results, the company's affairs consultant for the global human resources and financial services, this has not been that long, for foreign citizens, Jakarta is a city in these two ASEAN after Singapore. Is it true that everything is all the money? There is also, for a number of things are still available for free. Here I mention eight. If you find the other, add in the comments at the end of this paper.
Enjoy the breezy wind at Monas: Jakarta does not have many parks. City area of 650 square kilometer park this amount can be counted with the fingers. That is mostly not organized, even into the gutter mangkal, location SPBU (station fuel to the public), cadger, even the sex workers operating. Only a number of parks that have enough terawat as Menteng Park, Suropati, or Monas.
Taman Monas (National Monument) in Central Jakarta, including the most knowledgeable, just terawat (dipagar circumference), as well as have a number of facilities that can be enjoyed free visitors. At the Monument you can sit-sit-sit in a shady garden berpohon, feel the wind blast while enjoying kicau birds. You can also visit to spot the deer pen is located on the south side. In addition to deer, there are bird peacock tail and tens of a dove. Some of the stalls there are also dove in the west.
Still on the west side, there are swimming in the water there, dancing and singing fountains equipped seat for penonoton. Laser show from the water fountains dancing and singing that takes place every Sunday night at 19.00-21.00. On Sunday morning, Monas the place that many sports. If you want to rub their feet with gravel, Monas provide special berbatu gravel path. Unfortunately, a number of point of this park, especially near the eastern edge of the Gambir Railway Station, the place to be 'live' bummer. Afternoon, under the tree on the east side, many vagrant haven. You must also be vigilant against those who lost memory if a visit to the Monument.
Window shopping and free toilet: Mal grow like fungus in the rainy season in Jakarta. Regional resapan water in a flash can be disulap mall. Places that provide cheap goods to the goods-class boutiques selangit price. Generally, luxury shopping malls in the South Jakarta, just call it Plaza Senayan, Senayan City and Pondok Indah Mall. In the dozens of malls have stores or outlets such as Gucci, Bvlgari, Cartier, Chanel, Chloe, Christian Dior and Christian Lacroix. Besides window shopping, many people come around to shopping for just the air from Jakarta ngadem hot or numpang to toliet. Mal does not generally collect tariffs for the use of toliet although there are several shopping malls, such as the Atrium Senen mall in central Jakarta, which sets rates for the use of toilet.
A visit to the old historic worship: Places of worship, particularly mosques and churches, old age have a connection with the development or spread of religion in Jakarta. A course such as the Church Street Tugu Tugu in North Jakarta. This church built in 1725 by Dutch Priest Van der Tydr for the slaves who once worked in Malacca under the authority of Portuguese. Year 1742 this church was destroyed due to the rebellion in China Batavia years and rebuilt in 1747 by Priest Moudidts Mohr.
In the history of development of the religion of Islam a number of mosques which have played important roles, including Foreign Batang Mosque, located in the village of Foreign Batang, North Jakarta, or the first area is the Javanese settlement outside the walls of Batavia. The mosque was built in 1739. Each Maulid, warning birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW, many people from around the place and coming from far berziarah to the mosque which is dikeramatkan. Then there Majid Angke in Prince Street Tubagus Angke, West Jakarta. This mosque has a style of architecture and decoration that is a beautiful blend of style Arab, Europe, China and Java. This mosque was built in the year 1761. Although you can enter for free to places that, should ask permission before entering the first to the buildings are.
Add perspective with a visit to the library: A number of libraries, especially the berkonsep open access, can be visited free. Library such as this generally managed university or non-government organizations (NGOs) such as the library-owned college faculty at the University of Indonesia (UI), the Library @ Senayan in Building A Ministry of National Education in the General Sudirman (all collections Library @ Senayan is a collection Bristis The Council Indonesia the first is located in Building Widjodjo Center and then closed), Library STF Driyarkara Printing in State Street, Central Jakarta (for the book's philosophy), or in the library ELSAM Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu (for collection of books and human rights law). However, because non-members, you certainly have only limited access to the collections available. You, for example, may not borrow or take out books from the library but may be allowed to memfotokopi.
Enjoy a concert or exhibition of art and culture: music concerts biasaya bertarif expensive. However, a number of cultural centers such as Bentara Budaya Jakarta (BBJ) managed Kompas Gramedia Group, and cultural centers belonging to foreign embassies such as the Erasmus Huis (Netherlands), Goethe Institut (Germany), or CCF (France) often hold events such as art and cultural arts show and exhibition for free. Information about the event schedule in the daily Kompas and The Jakarta Post.
Impressions of: If you are interested in the historical development of the City of Jakarta, jelahi City area (which is part of the incoming wilayak North Jakarta and some signed in Jakarta). There have Sunda Kelapa port, which is intended cikal-Jakarta, buildings old former stronghold, warehouse and office at the time of the Netherlands. In addition to European-style buildings, in areas such as the City of Glodok, Pinangsia, or Pekojan, also found the building-style Chinese, Arabic, or a mix between the three.
Ladies night. Club or nightclubs scattered in Jakarta. To attract visitors, a number of nightclubs or club programs have ladies night, the women can enter without having to pay the cover charge and first drink free. The program is usually ladies night on Thursday night.
A visit to the museum: There are dozens of museums in Jakarta and indeed a visit to the museum is not free unless there are programs such as the middle of the campaign there began July 15 until August 14 to come. A private company to provide 30,000 free tickets for the public to visit the five museums in Jakarta during this period. These museums are the National Museum, Textile Museum, Jakarta History Museum, Museum of Visual Arts and Ceramics, and the Museum Wayang. Although not free, the price of entrance tickets to the museum is very cheap. Museum entrance ticket price for adults is generally only Rp 2,000, and for the children of Rp 600.
Source: Kompas
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