If your trip is three hours of travel to Dublin, OH or 13 hours a flight to Dublin, Ireland, there are certain elements that every traveler should pack. This list does not include essential items - passport, money, identification, prescriptions, eyeglasses, contacts, hearing aids, etc. - which we assume you're smart enough to think for yourself. This list covers things that you might not think, as some elements that just make any trip to anywhere in a little more pleasant.
1.) Travel Plan - Unless you're taking a package tour of some kind, you have to put some thought into your holiday. Now, you do not have to submit every second of every day, but have a general idea of what you want to do, places to be visited, you would like to attend events and activities.
2.) Maps and guides - These will help you run your travel plan. You can locate places of interest, browse through the streets, motor roads - in short, to organize their travel plans so they do not waste time, lose any time or important "must see" items on its itinerary.
3.) House - A good, lightweight, small digital is the way forward. Just remember to pack a card or two, and batteries. Nothing ruins perfect sunset, as not being able to capture for posterity.
4.) Portable electronic translator - Learning the language is always the best route to go, but even the best language course can not cover everything that a traveler needs to say. Do your homework, however, because this is an issue that can be a costly waste of time and money, especially if it does not include language that requires or is too complicated to use.
5.) Digital voice-recorder can be used for everything from remind you what time to be at the train station to which the market had the best price in souvenir T-shirts. They come out to record the instructions given by the concierge, the guy on the street or the taxi driver, too.
6.) IPod, MP3 players, handheld video games, novels, books, puzzles or other personal entertainment of their choice - After waiting at the airport or train station to avoid talking to the man next to you on the bus, these can make time go by faster.
7.) Energy Converter Kit - If you travel outside the country to various destinations in large measure, one of the folders of several units would be your best option. Otherwise, you can get specific processors to its destination. There's nothing like to recall the hair dryer, and then not being able to use it.
8.) Snacks and bottled water - these are not just good for the plane, train or bus. When this "great little restaurant is a disappointment, and rain ruined his day at the beach, have some food in the house can help relieve your pain.
9.) First Aid Kit - You do not have to be stuck in the African jungle to the needs of emergency medical supplies. Travel may involve scrapes, sprains, headaches, dry eyes, chapped lips - name him. Taking their own supplies can save you the trouble of finding what you need in a strange place when not at his best.
10.) LED pen - These nifty little critters have many uses for the traveler. They are smaller and lighter than the average of the flashlight and do not require batteries. They can illuminate your book on the plane not to disturb his post, light your way in an unfamiliar hotel room or ship cabin, or directed by a dark road to the beach without worry.
11). Microfiber cloth towel and washing - Lightweight and easy to fold or roll compact size, these make an excellent addition to its continuing. Hotel towels can be rough or thin. You can avoid an unexpected allergic to laundry soap foreigners.
12.) Kit washing laundry and clothes pins - Several travel agencies sell kits for hand washing can wash their clothes and hang in your room until it dries. Not only does this save on laundry service fees, but allows the luxury of packing less clothing for the trip.
13.) Handle scale - Although not as critical as some articles, if they tend to over pack or package and purchase items while traveling, one can save time and money. With the new airline restrictions on weight, paying $ 10 for a scale that attach to your luggage handling is certainly better than the $ 25 or $ 30 fine for excess baggage.
14.) Travel alarm clock - Jet lag is not a friend, and oversleeping is always a possibility when your body is out of sync with local time zone. Most of these costs to less than $ 10, and some even have a snooze function for when the extra 5 minutes make a difference.
15.) Magazine and Pen - The low-technology essential for any traveler should include in their "must have" list. Do not trust your memory to safeguard their holiday experiences.
By: John Bumba
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