ISLAND in the middle of the sea? Ah, seems to have been normal. How does it taste to enjoy the island in the middle of the river? Well, if you want to know it, came to the island of Kumala, which is located in the middle Mahakam River crosses the city Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Tenggarong parks of the city about 1 hour, the capital of East Kalimantan, Samarinda. To go to Pulau Kumala, we must ketinting a boat or pier from crossing the road there is in the Diponegoro Tenggarong. Not more than 5 minutes, the boat fare is Rp 4.000/orang that will deliver us to the dock Kumala Island.
Kumala Island is very unique. Shape, if viewed from the top will look like the boat or canoe. Island with an area of about 85 hectares of this is the initial deposition of mud and then roll up into the mainland. Before changed into a modern recreation area, Kumala Island is home to hundreds of residential bekantan various species of reptiles and wild nature Borneo. This island really only cater for the tourist attraction, there is no resident houses. All areanya developed into tourist destination.
Kumala Island began to be managed garden tour in 2002. Area in this tour, visitors can enjoy a variety of vehicle, like the World Fantasy in Jakarta. Nah, that vehicle is the most attractive Sky Tower. From the tower at 78 meters, the visitor can see the city Tenggarong and unique view of Pulau Kumala. Tickets to enjoy the vehicle is only Rp 7,500.
Around Pulau Kumala, do not worry will experience fatigue. Facilities odong-odong or touring car was available. With rates Rp 2,000 per person, you may already know the island around Kumala from edge to edge. Moreover, the touring car driver appears to have also been trained to become a trap guide. The driver along the way this will explain what they unfold in front of the eye. We can see, for example, various forms of Lamin House which is a typical custom home of East Kalimantan. Forms of Lamin House that we can see among Lamin Beyoq, Lamin Mancong and Lamin Wahau.
On the island there is also Lembuswana statue, which is the icon of Tenggarong. Size is large enough. Around the pond there is a statue of this water fountain and place to relax.
Some cottages are also available for those who want to spend the night on the island of Kumala. One cottage consists of five rooms, which as a whole can accommodate up to 100 people. However, according to the manager, the cottage must be booked at least one of the sunday before. It costs between Rp 300,000, Rp 2 million. Facilities are complete enough, and there are also two swimming pools for adults and children.
In this year, the Kumala Island will add a number of vehicle, including a game Go Karting islands hanging and the train that had stopped operation in 2007.
Interested? Pulau Kumala keeksotisan promising for the visitors ... (Source: Kompas)
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