Long vacation stay a few days. All the preparation would have dimatangkan now. Desire a holiday abroad in a safe? Relax, all have triknya. That must be remembered, you have to prepare all sesuatunya, including medicines that sometimes forget to take.
Different countries, it is also different. It's just that I can weather the flu because it is different with Indonesia, and there is also a disease that must be carefully diwaspadai. What are the vaccines that are required? Check this out ...
List of destination countries and the vaccine that is required:
- Countries Middle East
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies (when conducting activities in the outdoors such as camping, biking, rock climbing), Tifoid (contagious through water and food that left people who have been infected), Diphteri, Measles, and Polio. Malaria to Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. While in the countries of Bahrain, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and there is no risk of malaria disease.
- North Africa
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Tifoid, Measles, Diphteri, Polio, and Malaria. Risk of other diseases: dengue fever., Filariasia (elephant leg disease), Leishmaniasis (a disease marked by mucous ulserasi nose and pharynx), Onchorcerciasis (river blindness) are diseases caused insect bite.
While the disease Schitosomiasis listed in this area is parasitik infection that can be found on the water including Nile river. So, avoid swimming in water that is not a swimming pool.
- Southeast Asia
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanesse Encepthalitis, Tifoid, Diphteria-Tetanus, Measles, Polio, and Malaria. Except for Singapore and Brunei Darussalam is free from malaria.
- South Africa
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tifoid, Diphteri, Measles, Polio, and Malaria. Be careful and again pay a visit to this country because of all places, including in major cities at risk of malaria-infected diseases.
- Australia and South Pacific
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanesse Enchephalitis, Tifoid, Diphteria-Tetanus, Measles, and Polio. In Australia, there is no risk of malaria.
- Mexico and Central America
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tifoid, Diphteria-Tetanus, Measles, Yellow-Fever (in Panama), and Malaria.
- Tropikal South America (Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Paraguay, French Guiana, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru)
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tetanus-Diphteria, Measles, Yellow Fever, and Malaria.
- United States and Canada
Only a certain disease that sometimes arise, such as plaque (terkumpulnya of substances not normal to the material in the network, arise on the skin surface) and the Rabies can be found in the region where the wild animals. Histoplasmosis (infection histoplasma network that can cause infection of the light channel of breath but can be spread wide, along with fever, anemia, indigestion ulserasi channel, nekrosis children and kidney), also commonly found in the Mississippi, Ohio, and around the St Lawrence river valley. Lyme disease is often found in the Sea of Timut the United States, Middle Atlantic, and the top of the northwest and southwest Canada.
- Western Europe
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Tetanus-Diphteria, Tickborne Encephalitis - infection caused by bacteria virus from the central nerve system. Usually occurs in Austria, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark (only on the island of Bornholm), several cases of this disease is also reported in the area of Italy, Norway, and France. It is very risky if the work or melancong to forest areas in the summer and livestock that consume the results do not dipasteurisasi. Avoid any animal bites such as small head lice.
- Eastern Europe and North Asia
Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tifoid, Measles, Diphteri (usually found in the countries of the Soviet Union fraction), Malaria (in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Krygyztan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan).
So, I have been ready to have fun? Stay conscious and health have fun of course. (Source: Kapanlagi)