Based on the results of the survey, The Smiling Report 2009, Indonesia is the most inexpensive countries in the world smile with a score 98%. To prayers, a score abreast Indonesia Hong Kong, also 98%.
The press release Smiling Report of the Better Business AB based in Sweden (8/4/2009) who forwarded Korfungsi Pensosbud KBRI Dody Stockholm Kusumonegoro to detikcom (16/5/2009) also states that score best formula is found mainly in the government service ( 94%), while business to business (B2B) only 70%.
Meanwhile, most countries do not smile is friendly with Pakistan scores 44% and the lowest is to provide Morocco with a score of 48%. Sweden is in the ranking of their own 24, with the score to 77% cheaper smile and a 81%.
Per category for the continent, be Australia's highest score with a low score of 89% smile and a 92%. Lowest of all continents are Africa: cheap senyum score 62% and a 51%.
The industrial sector with a smile is the best & Health, Beauty Care (Health and Beauty) and Transportation with a score of 86%, and the lowest is the B2B sector with 52%.
Data above is compiled from the Mystery Shopper, ie, those trained to feel and measure the service process to the customer. They are ostensibly as a buyer or potential customers for the next reporting experience. The Mistery Shopper is also called anonymous customer (anonymous customer), virtual guests, customers or trial.
Compilation of survey results in 2008 that includes data, including customer service that answers from the 2.5 million more questions about the Smile (smile), Greeting (prayers) and the Add-on Sales (the sale of additional service time) in 66 countries.
For additional services during the sale, the highest score be B2B sector (65%), whereas most leisure low score with just 40%. Meanwhile, the highest sales dibukukan Pakistan (82%), Finland is the lowest (3%).
Smiling Report notes that the trend continues to decline each year for Smiles, which is 77% (2008), 82% (2007) and 87% (2004). Trend of decrease also occurs, ie, 81% (2008, 2007) compared to 88% in 2004. (Source: Detiknet)