Kandovan (which is also sometimes known in the name of Candovan), many may not be known in our ears, but after you see the unique beauty that only you can find in one city in Iran is, of course you do not want to miss a visit to this place.
Kandovan is the only village that dibuangun entirely of stone, all the houses in the village is built of stone that sometimes it is the age of 7 centuries! City's unique stone is located between the city and Osku Tabriz. The only hotel located in this place is The Cliff Hotel Kandovan Tourism is the second hotel in the world terunik under satu2nya Hotel's Caves of Turkey.
According to legend, the people of this city first came to avoid the pursuit Mongol troops. They run away and hide in the trench volcanic rock cliffs and stay there, even until the danger has passed by. Place a hiding place as originally developed into houses, complete with kitchen, bathroom, even a place to gather family. Houses in the village, using the glass with beautiful colors for their house windows.
Once you Kandovan near the city of Tabriz or Osku, akan disapa you with a beautiful green foliage trees, so that you will forget that you are in Iran is barren and dry. The approach, you will be dazzled with the created unique forms of home is extraordinary beautiful.
In every part of the city there are many signs that offer a visit to a house with a certain amount of cost. Some of the houses that have already changed to stable or aviary. But a lot of the same household as modernization, it was not left out, you will create atmosphere of life brought Nostalgia 7 centuries ago.
Population Kandovan most professional farmer or herd sheep, but their source of income comes from tourism. They realize the potential of their ancient home and began living together with the study of the rover from around the world.
Visitors can choose to sleep in the Hotel Tourism Cliff Kandovan the 5-star, and is located in the heart of the village, or in one of the home visitor, your home can speak Farsi. Along the river that split the village from this stone, there are lots of cafe, where you can sit down to enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of juice Zam-zam cold, with a gentle wind that filled wanginya rose aroma. (Source: Kapanlagi)
Muraena helena

Helena Muraena or not Murai is one of the natural wealth under the sea of Indonesia. Marine animals are also found on coral reefs in the area of a thousand islands, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Holidays With Children in the Rain season

Rainy season is still ongoing, but the agenda does not mean a holiday must be delayed, especially with a long row at the end of the holiday this weekend. Enjoy the rain water droplets from the bus, hotel, or villa is a pleasure in itself. And, to make a holiday in the rainy season more fun, there is no one to bring the children too. Follow the tips below.
1. Involve children, unless you are planning a surprise for them. Involve children in planning since the holidays to make them more meaningful. Not zamannya more children is only the willingness of parents to matters including the holidays. Planning together also make children become more cooperative for adventure in the rainy season that need this special attention. Make a commitment on matters that may be done and can not be done. Involve children from the beginning of the study enables them to issue a commitment.
2. Plan far day. Often booking tickets suddenly makes family members sit on separate benches airplane, bus or train. So, order tickets far day will help each family member gets a place to sit close together with each other. Kan asyik tuh can still joke with my family during the trip.
3. Package tours offered by travel agents is an alternative interest in the rainy season. Because, usually start around the tourists with a special tour bus. Thus, you do not need to keep changing and the risk of vehicles on the road for the rains to reach the goal.
4. Do not forget to bring umbrellas, jackets, shoes and anti-water for all family members, especially for the small. For some people, bringing the umbrella is not practical, but for some people, bring an umbrella to make them more comfortable in the wet season. If you are reluctant to bring an umbrella, make sure your jacket is quite adequate in the rainy season.
6. Make sure your shoes or slippers that you have not slippery. There are a number of shoes and sandals that although the shape and cool, but not be suitable for the rainy season. In the rainy season, prioritaskanlah function rather than fashion.
7. Choose the places of interest that will be visited of the public, unless you bring your own vehicle. Thus, you do not run too long in the open air and take the risk of rains in the street. Do research on smaller places that are visited. Currently, information about the attractions found easily on the internet.
8. Rileks! Vacation is a time of fun. Do not be perfeksionis about the accuracy of the time, especially with children. Time enjoy this beautiful.
Do not forget, a cup of warm water with the family in the rainy season does not just warm, but also inward. Happy holiday. (Source: Kompas)
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